Sunday, October 18, 2009

Computer Room Tutorial

If you don't get to the computer room tutorial, you can do the following at home or in the library.

Computer Room Tutorial
Today’s tute is essentially an exercise in aggravating data entry. You’ll be doing three things:

(1) Logging in to TurnItIn. All you need to do with this today is login. Make sure you remember your password. We’ll go over the reason you’re doing this in next week’s tutorial.

(2) Doing the Student Evaluation of Teaching. This is an anonymous form giving me feedback on my teaching. The scores also affect my ability to get further tutoring work in the future. They are totally anonymous and, whilst I see your answers, I don’t see your name or any other identifying notes in the final report. I do value feedback on how I can teach this course better in the future.

(3) Doing the Course Evaluation Instrument. This is akin to the above, but the feedback is for the course coordinator (Jean) and lecturer (Kit). This is where you give feedback regarding things like the lectures, access to online course materials, the layout of the course information booklet etc.

(1) TurnItIn
(1) Go to your student email. You should have an email from TurnItIn. It will include your email address and a temporary password.
(2) Follow the prompts to login.
(3) Eventually you’ll get to a page that has “Assignment List” and “Your Portfolio” written up the top of it.
(4) There should be two ‘Assignments’ listed below. One will say “Final Assignment Media Literacies” and the other will say “Revision One”.
(5) On October 31st you need to upload a “Draft” of your Assignment. To do this, click on the little picture of the arrow next to ‘Revision One” and below ‘Your Portfolio”. Fill in the sections for your name and write your name plus the word ‘Draft’ under ‘Submission Title’. Then click “upload”.
(6) After uploading you’ll be redirected to a page that says “Submit paper”. Scroll down and click on ‘Submit’.
(7) In theory, at some point in the next 15 minutes to 24 hours you’ll get a report telling you whether you’ve plagiarised or not. It’ll appear as a little coloured line with a percent next to it. You need to log back in to TurnItIn to get this.
(8) For the final assignment, you need to follow all of the above steps, except submitting your final assignment under the “Final Assignment Media Literacies”.

(2) SET and (3) CEI
You should get an email asking you to answer and Student Evaluation of Teaching, or something similar. Follow the links.

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