Sunday, November 1, 2009

Uploading your draft assignment

A few people have said they're having issues uploading the draft assignment into Turnitin. To answer the common questions:

(1) No, I don't expect a full draft. While you do get marked on completing this portion of the course, all you need to do is log on and upload something - a 500 word draft or your last assignment. I won't be reading any drafts. I'll just be checking to see you've registered. The idea is to get you registered with Turnitin and give you a chance to practice using it. It's pretty simple to use, so don't worry too much.

(2) Turnitin doesn't produce the report immediately. It takes between 15 minutes and 24 hours. This is why you need to run your final assignment through Turnitin around the 18th of November.

(3) If Turnitin won't let you log on or won't let you upload, email me at:

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